Engineering An Empire The Aztecs Worksheet Answers. Join me while we explore the Ancient Aztecs. History GeoGrapHy CiviCs arts Maya, Aztec, and Inca.
Engineering an Empire: The Aztecs -. The Aztecs engaged in human sacrifice because they believed the sun would not rise and the universe would die. The Aztecs lived a nomadic life for some time.
To set the stage for a study of the Aztec Empire, groups use the provided definition of civilization and generate a list of elements that make up our modern day civilization.
The Aztec empire was so powerful during these years that it was also able to maintain a hold on the neighboring states.
Copyright License: This file is licensed by ivirene under the iSLCollective Copyright License. Join me while we explore the Ancient Aztecs. The Aztec empire is an empire that resided in the land that is now called Mexico.