Serial Dilution Worksheet. It explains some principles for designing dilutions that give optimal results. This section is not a recipe for your experiment.
Serial dilutions are often performed when titering antibodies or when generating amplified dilutions A serial dilution is a step-wise and geometric series of dilutions which starts with a small amount of. We worked through the first example together on the board and the students did the dilution using. A set of serial dilutions is made, a sample of each is placed into a liquefied agar medium, and the medium poured into a petri dish.
Serial Dilution is a series of sequential dilution of a substance in solution.
A serial dilution is the stepwise dilution of a substance in solution.
The trickier part is figuring out a series of dilutions that will achieve your overall dilution. School The National University of BACTERIAL DILUTIONS and A FOOL-PROOF WAY TO FIGURE THEM OUTLook at the dilution. To dilute a stock solution, Mix the stock solution with diluent.